Monday, 28 January 2013

Shinhwa 14th Anniversary DVD

Hi Alls,

I'm really happy today because I have received the 14th Shinhwa Anniversary DVD since I have ordered since last December. Thank you to GoMyStore for have it arrived as schedule. .. Before I buy this DVD, I been thinking a lots whether I should buy or not since the price is quite expensive for me...huhu.. But I think it worth it when I have it now :)

I like the photobook inside the DVD although it quite simple and it also came together with photocard.. Minwoo photocard I give it to my sister, since she also like k-pop a lot. Could not wait for their comeback this year..

External front cover
External back cover

Internal front cover
40 pages photobook

Full view of outside the DVD case

Full view of inside the DVD case

7 pieces photocard

Just want to include this..hehe... this my planner for 2013... simple and cute planner of JYJ.. thanks to Bita, Mai, and Yana coz give this souvenir when they go for holiday to Korea last year... hehe .. although this planner for 2012, the design of the planner can be use any year.. and I also made the cover for my planner.. hehe
~My 2013 Planner with JYJ~

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

1st Entry 2013: Makanan..hehe

Hehe...thn 2013 nie...nie la entry la konon....hehe.. erm tuk 1st entry nk cite pasal makanan la...haha... erm 1stly pasal makanan yg yon suka masak..hehe... antara menunye:

nie UYU RAMYUN.. or milky maggie..hehe... dpt idea mase tgk Shinhwa Broadcast.. erm guna maggie kari, msk mcm biasa then yon letak low fat milk.. so rase creamy kalu bt pekat...hehe sedap jugak...

kalu nk bg name "Lempeng Piza" la..huhu..nie pn dpt idea mase tgk Happy Together.. housemate ckp sedap..hehe... tepung bt mcm bancuh batter pancake.. pastu msk atas non-stick frypan.. pastu letak la topping (minced garlic, crab stick, sosej, etc - kena saute dlu), letak tomato puree ckit n then cover dgn cheese(nie guna slice cheese jer) pastu cover dgn tudung periuk sampai cheese cair...then makan...hehe..

nie pulak puding roti kukus... house mate( Yana n Waniey) suh bt...ambik resepi kat ternet jer..huhu...1st time bt...nsb baik jadi...huhu.. sbb xde oven so kukus la dlm rice cooker...erm ade gak la episode kelakar bila guna mangkuk plastik tuk tinggi kn pan.. bila dh msk dr jd mangkuk terus jd piring...haha.. blaja jer kimia tp nie pn xleh nk apply..hukhuk..

Last Friday my friend dtg UTP untuk symposium... igt nk bt sushi bila Cik Tirah dlu slalu bt sushi same2... tp sbb bz ktorg g mkn jer kat sushi king..hehe...Anyway thanx tirah sbb blanje mkn... nati la kita bt sushi same2 ea...

sume sushi tinggal satu jer tuk tangkap gambar....sbb dh lapo sgt.. n steamed rice dishes pn gambr yg dh hbs jer...huhu...nmpak sgt laponye...haha

Erm nati nk cuba la masakan len lak..bila ade mase..hehe.. Sekian dlu...